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Statistics Cafe

When Jan 26, 2022
from 01:15 PM to 02:45 PM
Where Library of the Chair of Biometry, Tennenbacherstraße 4, 3rd floor, east wing
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With data analysis come questions, some simple, some tricky.

The Statistics Cafe is an informal, fortnightly meeting of people interested in, or struggling with, (environmental) statistics.

Typically there will be a short presentation on some topic, a discussion of a paper, someone presenting the design for a study or problems with a specific analysis or data set.

The Statistics Cafe is offered by the Chair of Biometry and Environmental Modelling and takes place every other Wednesday at 13:15 in the Biometry library (3rd floor Herderbau, east wing), for 90 minutes or so.

Everybody is warmly invited to come along, no registration necessary.