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Travel Guides

Our Travel Guides are workshops designed to help provide you with useful information and strategies to help you on your PhD journey at three critical focus points. Check the Calendar for more details and next course dates.


Focus: Starting Out 

We suggest you book in to attend this workshop in the first half of your first year.  We'll be discussing strategies to help you start well and stay on track, keep yourself healthy and happy, and get the PhD job done. 


Focus: Middle of the Road

This workshop is designed to refocus you when you're around halfway through your PhD journey by setting aside some dedicated time to reflect on how you are managing your PhD and yourself, and where you could make improvements - there's still time! 


Focus: The Final Leg

For those for whom the end is in sight, join us at this workshop to make sure you've got a plan to manage the final stretch of your PhD and are also looking beyond - life doesn't finish (or start!) after the PhD!